How Mission Australia helps people and communities in need

Since 1859, we’ve been standing alongside people in need across Australia, offering real hope that has lasting impact.

Every day we deliver homelessness crisis and prevention services, provide social and affordable housing, assist struggling families and children, address mental health issues, fight substance dependencies, support people with disability and much more.

Mission Australia believes a person’s circumstances shouldn’t define their future and that given the right support, everyone can reach their full potential.

Our services

Homelessness and social housing support

We believe everyone should have access to safe, secure housing. Your support helps people experiencing or at risk of homelessness find and remain in stable accommodation, providing essential privacy and dignity. We give ongoing assistance to help people maintain housing long-term.

Children, youth, families and communities

All children deserve a happy, healthy start to life, and all mums and dads need support to be the best parents they can be. Your support helps families overcome complex challenges to ensure that children can blossom and parents feel connected to a caring community.

Mental health, alcohol and other drugs

Addictions and dependencies are very difficult to break without the right assistance. Your support allows us to work holistically with people to understand the reasons behind their struggles, help them through tough times, and plan the path forward for healthy, fulfilling lives.

Disability inclusion and support

Disabilities affect millions of Australians every year. We believe that whether disabled or not, this shouldn't prevent a person from being an active member of their community or enjoying satisfying work and independence. Your support helps people chase their dreams.

Employment, skills and training

We help Australians of all ages who experience barriers to employment to gain the skills to find and keep a job. Your support can change the life of a jobseeker, improving their financial situation, social life and sense of self-worth.

Other services

We equip people to manage their finances and also help people interacting with the justice and corrections system.

Our vision

An Australia where all of us have a safe home and can thrive.

Our goal

End homelessness and ensure people and communities in need can thrive.

Our purpose

Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God. 

See more on our purpose

Our 20-25 Strategy

Four strategic focus areas will drive progress towards our goal of ending homelessness and ensuring people and communities in need can thrive:

Helping end homelessness in Australia

We're focused on helping end homelessness in Australia by increasing the impact of our services and advocating alongside our sector partners.

Partnering to strengthen communities

We believe postcodes should never limit futures so we're partnering to strengthen communities through tailored approaches for long-term positive change.

Supporting people in need to thrive

We're passionate about helping people in need to thrive by providing and advocating for early intervention services that increase their wellbeing.

Driving excellence

We're driving excellence by constantly improving quality across everything we do, sharing expertise with others and multiplying our impact.

Our values

Our core values underpin all that we do. They are:


We are sensitive, understanding and caring in our service of all people.


We are honest and transparent in our work and relationships and are accountable for our performance.


We treat people with respect, recognising them as they are and always offering compassionate support.


We help people overcome the challenges they face, no matter how hard it is.


We readily celebrate our collective efforts and successes alongside the people we help.

Need help? Contact us.

We're here to help so please send us an email or call us on 0472918 925.