Creating a Safe Haven for Women and Children in Times of Crisis
Make a donation to help us create a safer, healthier and welcoming environment for women and children in the time of crisis. Help us to update this safe-house facility, to help make a difference in the lives of those experiencing family domestic violence.
How can you make a difference and win a prize?
Simply make an online donation and write a message of hope in support of women and children at risk in Meekatharra and surrounding remote areas. Follow the prompts and write your message in the optional message field provided.
A selection of the most heart-felt messages will be chosen by a panel, at the end of the lunch and those winners will collect a prize! You have to be a named donor to win!
Your donation will help us purchase;
New paint and flooring
New sofa bed and linens
New swing-set and sandpit in the garden
New child-safe kitchen, stove and other appliances
The cosmetic renovations will create an updated, healthier and more welcoming place for women and children to find safety during times of crisis.
Nyarlu Duwa, translates to ‘Woman House’ in Wadjari. Located in Meekatharra, this crucial facility Family Domestic Violence Crisis Support Service, is Mission Australia operated and provides female victims and their children safety in times of crisis.
Please give generously in support of women and children at risk
Click ‘Donate’ to make a difference! Thank you and good luck!
Thank you to my Sponsors


Martina Crowley


You are amazing and you CAN do this!

After a storm there is a rainbow


Lorraine Ponti


Victoria Willetts
Stay strong & believe in yourself.. anything is possible! Sending love & strength for your journey ahead.

Sinead White

Anna Pilling

Cheyenne Ellis
Everyone deserves a safe, warm and happy environment. I hope this helps to achieve that.

Lucie Hancock
This moment does not define you - the most beautiful diamonds are made under pressure.

Jessica Shiels
Well done to Mission Australia for running such a worthy and heartfelt cause. You have helped numerous individuals and I just want each person that utilises your services to know, they are not alone. Just know that there are amazing groups and individuals out there that will help you. Although things may seem tough, it won’t be forever. Whenever things seem dim or you are feeling low, close your eyes and take a deep breath and focus on 3 things that make you happy and remember that tomorrow is a new slate.

Amanda Kirkwood
Thanks for being there to support those who are brave enough to take such a big step toward changing their own lives.

Stuart Nahajski
Glad your valuable work extends to communities in regional WA.

Melanie Rigby
We see you, we feel for you, and we are here for you. Keep going.

Savills And Our Client Guests
We are all part of a global family and family always steps in to help whenever needed.

Beverley Gray
May my donation put a smile on the face of the beautiful children at risk..

Felicity Barker
Be Brave. Be Strong. You are worthy. It's always darkest before the dawn. May the breaking of dawn bring you peace, safety, comfort and hope.

You are not alone

Jerneja Perovec
Remember that even in times when you think you are completly alone there's is alway a person who will stand beside you and offer a helping hand, all you have you do is reach out.

Kaylene Mcternan

Pooja Goswami
Its not too much to ask for decent living for any human, for female I would say even more important as primary carer of family and kids We as community should back each other and help keep the faces smiling and feel grateful for our lives



Chui Lin Chong
Thank you so much for all the important work Mission Australia is doing in Meekatharra. It is no doubt a heartbreaking and thankless job on most days, but know that your efforts are changing lives.

Lauren Hocking



Karliah Bryer

Yanti Sujatna
May this small donation see someone play with big love and light.


Momentum Wealth
Stay strong, keep your head up. Better things will come your way.

Courtney Costen

Elodie Allegret


Melissa Chua

Catherine Bentley
To all the strong, resilient women who are making hard decisions to create inter-generational change… we support you.


Kristen Goodwin

Soo Bhin Han
Don’t forget the sun always rises in the morning & shines for you!

Chris Forbes
You are not alone

Charlotta Nilstoft


Alisa Fassetta
Hold your strength and love of your families. Life has a way of sorting itself, and with positivity, there is light at the end of this tunnel.

May you have a tribe to lift you up when you are unable to raise yourself up!

Stay strong, have courage and feel the love wherever you are.

Rebecca Brinkworth
All things pass A sunrise does not last all morning All things pass A cloudburst does not last all day All things pass - Lao Tzu

Rosa Cummins
Be Strong, Be Kind, Be You

Tom Williams
I’m sorry I couldn’t be there today, have a great day everyone!

Herron Todd White
As an organisation we hope our small donation can assist in providing a safe, functional and fun refuge for the women and children of Meekatharra.

Hope this brings hope to the women and children who need it. I hope the playground brings lots of happy memories ❤️

Megawati Megawati
Happy and healthy women and children will make a great difference to the world.

St Ives Retirement Living
Thank you for the work you are doing in helping people when they most need it. We hope our donation can offer some support and hope for a kinder and safer future.

Kimberley Madden
May you find the strength, hope and support you need to be able to look up at the starry night and believe they really do shine for you

Hawaiian Pty Ltd
We hear you, we see you & we support you.

Clare Gee

Linda Randall
Remember you are a bright light and this tough time WILL pass just believe in yourself and know that others want to help you so accept the help.

Sarah-jane Norman
Thank you Mission Australia for all that you do for women and children in rural areas. You are a guiding example of a service provider!

L Fitzgerald
You are loved x

Lauren Seal
You are strong. Your kids are strong. Your community is strong. We are thinking of Nyarlu Duwa and the strong community that stay there.

Naomi Worrall
Thank you Mission Australia for providing hope and support to women and children at risk. To those women who are protecting their children and themselves, know that you deserve to live a life free from fear and harm, and we support you to create a better tomorrow.

Selina Webb
Please know that you are not alone and a brighter future is ahead

Kylee Schoonens
Keep up the amazing work you do to achieve change

You are brave, you are strong, you are moving forward. I believe in you, you are making such a positive change in your life and your children’s lives. I wish you much happiness ahead in your lives 💜

Jessica Indrawirawan
My heart fills with gratitude for Mission Australia for their efforts of compassion and carrying Blessing to reach the women and children who need safety, support, love and care in times of crisis. What a difference you guys make and I am so thankful we get to be a part of the hope and your grand vision. My message to my sisters and our children you are stronger than you think, have hope, stay resilient, no past can ever defined you, never ever stop discovering Love, kindness, beauty and hope inside of you, in the face of your children, in the compassionate people around you. Your life matters and your story is important, it will inspire and heal many other women and children who will be blessed by you overcoming and becoming your best despite of your struggles. Sending you so much love & hope for a beautiful & brighter life that you deserve and have ahead of you. Love, Jess

Aida Leon
I hope that everyone in the room today realises how lucky and the amazing lifes we have. We will not always be able to solve all of the world’s problems, but can't undermine the importance the difference we can make with everyday small actions, being courageous and supporting others in need.

Mel Longmire
Strong glorious women, we know you, we see you and we are you. Our support and a hope for a brighter tomorrow always with you.

Louise Ward, Hillam Architects
Happy International Women’s Day! Wishing you strength, courage and hope on this day. You can be whoever you want to be, back yourself and keep close to the people who support you in chasing your dreams.

Shelley Phillipson
Thank you for the work you do- it is amazing! Our community is lucky to have charities and volunteers like Mission Australia- we appreciate everything you do!

Jennifer Wong

Amanda Pearce
Life can be tough and unfair, but please don't give up hope. Believe in yourself and your ability to overcome any challenge that comes your way. Remember that the struggles you are facing right now are not a reflection of your worth or your value as a human being. There is a brighter future ahead, and you are capable of creating it. Keep fighting, keep believing, and keep hoping. You are worthy of a happy and fulfilling life, and it's within your reach.

Michael Barr
We hope this small contribution will help you feel there is support for you in the midst of difficulty - and strength to keep going to a brighter day.

Dan Clarke
From a child who grew up underprivledged, this charity warms my heart. If only we could educate more people across Australia how many women with and without children are doing it tough. Keep up the good work guys

Dear Madam, I understand you are going through a very difficult time and worried about making any changes I. Your life at the moment. I trust you are a strong and brave women and will make the best decision for your kids. I assure you will be supported by the Ana zing organisation, Mission Australia. Stay strong and be brave. Regards, AH

Iris Marcos
You are enough and strong enough. We are all behind you.

Losa Jansenn


The stories are devastating. Let’s use these funds to change lives

Lauren Evans
Everyone should have the right to not only the basic necessities, but comfort and enjoyment of life. Thank you for the great work you do for our less fortunate communities.

Bev Wright

Claire Moore
You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think. It all starts with taking that first step towards a different life.

Jessica Wilkes
Today we celebrate all the amazing, strong and resilient women in our community and around the world 💜 As women and as a community, we are strongest when we cheer each other on! Know that you have a community of women who empower, encourage and support you.

Jacqui Preshaw

Rebekah Vinicombe
To all the women who need to hear it: you’ve got this!

Chris Olde

Emma Milner

Nadia Mohiuddin
You’ve got this, stay strong. You’ve already succeeded in the first step which is seeking help - keep doing your best ❤️

Gabriella Foti
Sending love, hope and strength to all of the women and children during a difficult time. “The strength of a woman is measured by the extent of her refusal to allow those hardships to dictate her and who she becomes”

Robert Piromalli
I have a close friend who had to escape a poisonous relationship and know what she went through. As a male I know there should be no tolerance to domestic violence or abuse.

Cynthea Pickrell
What the women and children of Meekatharra require is so basic that it breaks my heart that we are not doing more to help. Very happy to contribute and I hope to hear more about the haven and how it is progressing

Angette King
You are the hero’s that we look up to and appreciate. Bravo!

Cindy Goncalves
Look for something positive in each day even if some days you have to look a little harder. You are not alone and never give up. Hope is always there in the darkest of times.

Alana John

Narelle Helean

Peter Doyle
Darkness follows light. Remember, without darkness, there would be no more light.

Jennifer Carter
You are brave, you are strong, you are worthy and you are loved. You have a village behind you who have your back.

Sallese Wilmot-barr
All the respect and support for what you are doing. It’s a tough gig but what a great effort. Thankyou! X

Stuart Bell
Hopefully this will improve your life in some way. Every bit makes a difference.

Anabela Chesters
Hope is eternal and so important. Well done Mission Australia and wish you much success with your projects

Louise Nazareth
I can’t begin to imagine the heartbreak and pain of your experience. You are incredible and more resilient than you know. Hold on tight, think deeply and take one step at a time for a brighter tomorrow. You’ve got this.

Bethany D’vauz
When times are tough keep being a role model to your children. We look up to our mums and lean on you for support and advice. Even though we don’t say it enough, we love you ❤️

Lisa Thom
Be brave. Seek help and support. Know there are people out there who care and who know you matter.

I want to remind you, you are strong, brave and courageous. The tribe of women are walking alongside you we see & feel you. You are not alone.

Kylie Davies
You are worthy. You are brave. You are strong. You have a community of women behind you and supporting you along your journey. Don’t ever forget you worth, you deserve to be happy and forge a new path for yourself and future generations.

Minal Kulkarni
After every dark night there is a beautiful sunrise! Stay strong! We are with you!

Carolyn Hamilton
A whole room of people stopped to think about you today. They were told of your challenges and collectively our hearts went out to you. You are not alone.

Candice Richards
One foot at a time. You are heading in the right direction. Take each day as it comes. You are stronger than you know. Your rainbow will be there soon.

Rebecca Justice
Having been a child who stayed in a refuge in country WA with my mother and siblings, this is such a critical service that truly makes a difference during a time of incredible family and legal instability.

May this small donation towards a swing set start the journey towards swinging your life into a positive direction and may the castles you build in your sand pit be replicated in real life - you are all queens and deserve to live in the castle of your dreams - you’ve got this!

Nanako Mcintosh
Thank you for all the incredible work you do

Andrew Pollard
I really hope that my donation can make a difference to the services Mission Australia provide to the residents of Meekatharra.

Alan Bell
Hope this helps with the new top loader!!

Gemma Davis

Hello! I would love for you to know that you are seen, you are valued, you are loved and that there will be another side to the hardship you’re facing. Praying the best for you. I wish I could meet you and hear your story in person but I am wishing you well! x

Mariah Williams
You are not alone, know that there is an army of women walking with you; supporting you, cheering you on. Each day you are here the world is better. You are so much stronger than you think you are; keep on fighting, keep on accessing the services around you. With love.

Nicole Nelson
You've made the first big step, keep safe, believe in yourself and it's ok to ask for help.

Kylie Howarth
I hope Nyarlu Duwa provides you with more than just a safe place to sleep and eat. I hope that it can be a temporary home that you feel safe and cared for throughout whatever hardship you are experiencing. Please know that it will pass.

Daniela Foti


Mia Davies

Miri Lackovic
Some of the best memories of my childhood come from living in and around Meekatharra . I want all women and children to have a chance to experience happy memories like mine, why wouldn’t we support and value a service that helps this human right for all xxx

Sandra Brewer

Ivan Gorridge
Having some basic things can make a difference and how that with time there's less of a need for this support

Liya Xu

Georgia Stacey

Michelle Nurzenski
We are with you, stay strong!

I wish the best for the participants in every single regard. I wish I could give more but please manage this little token

Kate Maroske
I am so proud of you for taking the first step to ensure yourself safety. May these steps lead you to peaceful and happy future. Always remember that you are worthy of all of the special things life has to offer.

Natasha Boshard
It is so easy to underestimate the value of feeling safe, secure and loved your own home. I am ever grateful that I am fortunate enough to enjoy what seems to be a luxury for some. I hope this donation goes some way to giving a woman or a child in need some joy and hopefulness.



Bec Stirling
We are with you, you are worthy! Stay safe & stay strong!

Tracy Vu
I hope my small donation help to provide a safe shelter and hopeful lives for many women and children at risk.

Sarah Iwaniw
Thank you for supporting those who struggle to find a way out. Even women with means struggle to break free of the violence so i do not underestimate how isolated and vulnerable these women and children are. Thank you for all you do and if its possible please give those families a hug from one who understands the impact of family violence ❤️


Anastasia Gotjamanos
My sincere hope is that this donation enables women to reach their full potential and realise their dreams. An amazing charity which provides much needed support to those who need it most at such a difficult time in their lives.

Altus Group
Making your mission as my mission to end domestic violence.

Kylie Judd
Sending hope and warm wishes.


Peter Lee

Wendy Graves
We’re with you xx


John Meredith
