Mission Australia is a Christian charity that has been helping vulnerable Australians move towards independence for more than 155 years.
Every day we support people nationwide by combatting homelessness, assisting disadvantaged families and children, addressing mental health issues, fighting substance dependencies, and much more. We’re generously supported by our funders, partners and tens of thousands of Australians just like you, who make the work of our tireless volunteers and staff possible. Together, we stand with Australians in need until they can stand for themselves.
Our goal
Our goal is to reduce homelessness and strengthen communities across Australia.
Our purpose
Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God.
Our strategic plan
Driven by our purpose and led by our values, 3 strategic directions guide our organisation as we pursue our goal:

Our voice
Generate support and effect social change as a courageous voice and advocate for people in need

Our services
Grow and shape evidence based services to achieve the greatest positive change for the most marginalised and disadvantaged

Our enablers
Enhance collaboration to enable and sustain the impact of our work and organisation
Our values
Our core values underpin all that we do. They are:

Compassion - We are sensitive, understanding and caring in our service of all people.

Integrity - We are honest, accountable and transparent in our work and relationships.

Respect - We treat people as we ourselves expect to be treated, offering love, acceptance and a voice of support in the face of life’s challenges.

Perseverance - We are dedicated to serving people and helping them overcome the challenges they face, no matter how hard it is.

Celebration - We recognise and celebrate the efforts and achievements of the people we help, volunteers, supporters and staff.
Our services
Homelessness &
social housing support
We believe everyone should have access to safe, secure housing. Your support helps people experiencing or at risk of homelessness find and remain in stable accommodation, providing essential privacy and dignity. We give ongoing assistance to help people maintain housing long-term.
Families & children
All children deserve a happy, healthy start to life, and all mums and dads need support to be the best parents they can be. Your support helps families overcome complex challenges to ensure that children can blossom and parents feel connected to a caring community.
The journey from childhood to adulthood is full of change, uncertainty and challenges. With the right support, we believe every young Australian can reach their full potential. Your support helps provide practical things, as well as the love and care needed to thrive.
Alcohol, drugs &
other dependencies
Addictions and dependencies are very difficult to break without the right assistance. Your support allows us to work holistically with people to understand the reasons behind their struggles, help them through tough times, and plan the path forward for healthier lives.
Mental health
Mental illness and disability affect millions of Australians every year. We believe neither should prevent a person from being an active member of their community or enjoying satisfying work and independence. Your support helps these people realise their potential and chase their dreams.
Employment, skills
& training
We help Australians of all ages who experience barriers to employment to gain the skills and confidence to find and keep a job. Your support can change the life of a jobseeker, improving their financial situation, social life and sense of self-worth.

Kayla’s story
When her partner became drug-addicted and violent, pregnant mother Kayla* and her little girl Mia were forced to run away. But with no family to turn to, they quickly ran out of friends to stay with. A cold, dark, dirty garage became their only option.
Fortunately, a conversation with Mission Australia proved a lifeline for Kayla and Mia. We found them crisis accommodation, organised food packages, and coordinated appointments with health specialists. We also talked with Mia’s school, contacted Centrelink for financial support, and helped Kayla apply for priority housing. All this brought stability into their lives for the first time in years.
Within weeks, Kayla was granted a small home with room for Mia and her baby when she arrived. All three are still safely and securely housed, and enormously grateful for the help they’ve received.
*All client names and images have been changed to protect the identities of the people Mission Australia helps