Donate to bring joy this Christmas!
In the event that enough funds are raised to cover the cost of all Christmas lunches, the remaining funds will be used on other event expenses for Christmas Lunch in the Park.
Or start a fundraiser at your work, school or community!
Every dollar raised helps prevent one more person going hungry or being alone on Christmas Day.
This extends to include a care pack, hearty lunch, hot showers, haircuts, laundry services and donated clothing. There is also access to vital community services for wrap-around support.
You'll directly support Perth’s most disadvantaged families and individuals, helping provide a welcoming and safe place to come together to share in the festivities on Christmas Day.
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How you can help this Christmas
Provide Perth's most vulnerable with a place to call home this Christmas Day. Funds raised will help those experiencing homelessness enjoy a shared lunch, hot showers, haircuts, companionship, and vital access to Mission Australia's community support services.

49 years
Australia's longest running and largest community funded Christmas event designed specifically for those most in need.

70,000 meals
Since the first event in 1975, over 70,000 meals have been served to Perth's most vulnerable and in need on Christmas Day.

1,400 care packs
Every adult attendee will receive a care pack containing essential personal resources.

1,500 attendees
This year over 1,500 attendees are expected to attend in 2024. For many, without the event, they would be alone on Chrstmas day.
Check out out the wonderful Christmas day event you're supporting!